The Danubian Kangaroos / Dunamenti Kenguruk is an Australian-Hungarian cricket club founded in 2007. Our goal is to promote cricket in Hungary. Currently, it is the only cricket team among the 13 teams in Hungary where mostly Hungarian players are in the squad. In 2024 we played in the Hungarian Cricket League, what is the second division in Hungary and we participated in the European Cricket Series Hungary 2024 tournament.

The Hungarian Cricket Association organized two leagues in 2024, the Hungarian Premier League (Division I - 10 teams, 9 rounds, with play off best of 4 team) considered the first division of Hungary, and the Hungarian Cricket League, considered the second division. The Kangaroos played in the Hungarian Cricket League this year. In the three-team league (Dunamenti Kanguruk, Albatross XI, Budapest Lion Kings), each club played each other four times. The 8-round non-playoff T20 format (120 overs) championship lasted from May to September and all matches were played on Hungary's only cricket ground, the GB Oval in Sződliget. The 1st round was canceled due to the unfitness of the pitch, in the remaining seven matches we finished with 4 wins and 3 losses. In the last 8th round, in the match that decided the championship title, the Kangaroos, without many key players, lost against the Budapest Lion Kings, so our team ended the season in second place with 9 points..
Matches (Hungarian Cricket League):
1. 2024.05.11, Kenguruk-Albatross: Abandoned
2. 2024.05.25, Kenguruk-Lion Kings: 110/9-108/9-W
3. 2024.06.09, Kenguruk-Albatross: 180/3-110/10-W
4. 2024.06.22, Kenguruk-Lion Kings : 142/7-143/4-L
5. 2024.07.06, Kenguruk-Albatross: 1167/4-36/8-W
6. 2024.08.03, Kenguruk-Lion Kings : 108/8-109/2-L
7. 2024.08.25, Kenguruk-Albatross: 32/2-31/9-W
8. 2024.09.08, Kenguruk-Lion Kings: 114/10-177/8-L
Players on this season:
Török Gábor (C) 1981 Hungarian
Paul Ainsworth 1967 English
Robert Ainsworth 2006 Hungarian-English
Matthew Ainsworth 2008 Hungarian-English
Leo Bloomfield 2004 Hungarian-English
Gall Ádám 2006 Hungarian-Australian
Hajdú Krisztián 1997 Hungarian
Charlie Inglis 2008 Hungarian-Australian
Marosy Zoltán 2006 Hungarian-Australian
Nagy Gábor 1991 Hungarian
Petrányi Gergő 2000 Hungarian
Petrányi Károly 2000 Hungarian
Jeremy Polarouthu 2004 Indian
Szabó István 1988 Hungarian
Török Tamás 1983 Hungarian
Andrea Ainsworth Hungarian
Luter Tibor 1990 Hungarian
Jay Koulaouzos 2003 Hungarian-Australian
Nishanta Liyanage 1980 Sri Lanka
Stephen Anthony English (guest player)

For the first time in the history of the Kangaroos, we took apart in the European Cricket Series 2024 (ECS) tournament, which is a 10-team two-week tournament (15.07.2024-26.07.2024) at the GB Oval with the participation of Hungarian teams organized by ECN. Since 2020, ECN has been organizing this T10 (60 throws) format tournament in Hungary every year. The short dynamic game genre, professionally broadcast worldwide live on the Internet with a commentator, will also be available on the ECN site and on YouTube. The tournament is completely independent from the Hungarian Premier League and the Hungarian Cricket League. Group "A": Danubian Kangaroos, Budapest Zalmi, Budapest Super Kings, Royal Tigers, Dunabogdány CC. Group "B": Royal Eagles, Kashmir Budapest, Cobras CC, United Család Budapest, Budapest Blinders. Kangaroos advanced from the group and participated in the second round as well. Our team at the 10-team ECS Hungary 2024 tournament finished in excellent 7th place with 2 win matches and 11 lost matches overall, among much stronger, more experienced teams. We consider the victory over Budapest Zalmi and the Royal Eagles in the tournament as one of the biggest victories in the club's history.all.Picture made
Final result with playoff:
1. Budapest Blinders
2. Royal Tigers
3. Cobra CC
4. Budapest Kings
5. United Család Budapest
6. Dunabogdány CC
7. Danubian Kangaroos
8. Royal Eagles
9. Kashmir Budapest
10. Budapest Zalmi
Matches in the regular season (full match under the link):
1. 2024.07.15, Kenguruk-Zalmi: 84/1-96/0 - L (04:42-05:56)
2. 2024.07.15, Kenguruk-Super Kings: 91/5-113/6 - L (06:03-07:54)
3. 2024.07.17, Kenguruk-Royal Tigers: 64/4-68/3 -L (00:23-01:52)
4. 2024.07.17, Kenguruk-Super Kings: 127/5-139/6 - L (04:32-06:19)
5. 2024.07.17, Kenguruk-Zalmi: 105/4-101/5 - W (06:22-08:20)
6. 2024.07.19, Kenguruk-Royal Tigers: 63/10-132/5 - L (00:09-02:06)
7. 2024.07.19, Kenguruk-Dunabogdány: 100/3-136/3 - L (02:11-04:00)
8. 2024.07.20, Kenguruk-Dunabogdány: 91/2-92/5 - L (00:13-01:55)
Matches in the second round (full match under the link):
1. 2024.07.24, Kenguruk-Cobra: 106/1-107/7 - L (06:19-08:03)
2. 2024.07.24, Kenguruk-Super Kings: 71/6-109/5 - L (08:14-10:15)
3. 2024.07.25, Kenguruk-United CB: 151/2-156/1 - L (02:34-04:13)
4. 2024.07.25, Kenguruk-Royal Eages: 97/5-95/9 - W (06:34-08:23)
5. 2024.07.25, Kenguruk-Dunabogdány: 124/4-125/2 - L (08:45-10:32)
Players on this tournament:
Török Gábor (C) 1981 Hungarian
Paul Ainsworth 1967 English
Robert Ainsworth 2006 Hungarian-English
Matthew Ainsworth 2008 Hungarian-English
Leo Bloomfield 2004 Hungarian-English
Gall Ádám 2006 Hungarian-Australian
Hajdú Krisztián 1997 Hungarian
Charlie Inglis 2008 Hungarian-Australian
Marosy Zoltán 2006 Hungarian-Australian
Nagy Gábor 1991 Hungarian
Szabó István 1988 Hungarian
Rick Yang 208 Hungarian-Chinese
Nishanta Liyanage 1980 Sri Lanka
Jay Koulaouzos 2003 Hungarian-Australian
Tom Wayman 1989 Austral
Arthur Edwards 2005 Hungarian-English
Michael Edwards 1972 English
Barát Bendek 2004 Hungarian
Pramod Sharma 1971 Indian

The Hungarian Cricket season has two division in 2023, Hungarian Cricket League (Division I - 9 teams, 8 rounds with play off best of 4 team) and Hungarian Development League (Division II). In 2023 was also a two-week tournament by ECN, which is completely independent of the Hungarian divisions. Our team took part in the Hungarian Development League T20 (120 balls), considered the Hungarian second division. In the 4-team championship, every team plays against each other in 3 times on GB oval. In the 9th round championship without a playoff, a win is worth 2 points, in case of a canceled match, both teams get 1-1 point, and a defeat is worth 0 points. The 1st round was canceled due to bad weather, after the Kangaroos ended their remaining 8 matches with 4 wins and 4 loose. Which was enough for 3rd place due to the worse NRR indicator.
1. 2023.05.23, Kenguruk-Vikings: Abandoned
2. 2023.06.04, Kenguruk-Albatross: 109/5-107/5-W
3. 2023.06.18, Kenguruk-Falcons: 133/7-145/6-L
4. 2023.07.23, Kenguruk-Vikings: 161/4-162/5-L
5. 2023.08.20, Kenguruk-Albatross: 122/4-121/5-W
6. 2023.08.26, Kenguruk-Falcons: 122/10-151/8-L
7. 2023.09.03, Kenguruk-Falcons: 169/3-172/6-L
8. 2023.09.09, Kenguruk-Albatross: 69/5-68/6-W
9. 2023.09.16, Kenguruk-Vikings: 149/4-148/4-W
Players on this season:
Török Gábor (C) 1981 Hungarian
Paul Ainsworth 1967 English
Robert Ainsworth 2006 Hungarian-English
Matthew Ainsworth 2008 Hungarian-English
Leo Bloomfield 2004 Hungarian-English
Mark Des Fontaine 2005 Hungarian-South African
Gall Ádám 2006 Hungarian-Australian
Anthony Gall Hungarian-Australian
Hajdú Krisztián 1997 Hungarian
Charlie Inglis 2008 Hungarian-Australian
Andrew Leckonby 1979 Australian
Marczell Ádám Hungarian
Marosy Zoltán 2005 Hungarian-Australian
Nagy Gábor 1991 Hungarian
Nemesrévi Csanád 2006 Hungarian
Petrányi Gergő 2000 Hungarian
Jeremy Polarouthu 2004 Indian
Szabó István 1988 Hungarian
Szalóky Sebestyén 2006 Hungarian
Török Tamás 1983 Hungarian
Sai Venkatagirish Indian
Rick Yang 2010 Hungarian-Chinese

Danubian Kangaroos is a Hungarian cricket club founded in 2007. Which has set itself the task of taking care of domestic talents. In addition, our goal is to show Hungary how fun cricket is. Sport was completely unknown in our country until the 1989. The first cricket activity was experienced in Hungary in 1996 when Sri Lankan consul Dr. Padma Gannoruwa launched a cricket initiative in Budapest. A cricket team consisting of Hungarians and foreigners was formed, which played many matches with teams from Germany and Austria, and even with a touring British club. In the warm months, cricket training sessions were held on a weekly basis at the Budapest University Sports Field, and in winter, indoor cricket training camps were held at the Budapest Sports Stadium. All of this ended when Dr. Gannoruwa left Hungary. In the early 2000s, Genpact, a company with a few Indian employees, played one or two matches a year against various teams, including the British Embassy. In 2003, the British-Hungarian Club in Miskolc was established and a British man introduced him to cricket, and they continued playing for two years. In Székesfehérvár in 2006, English teacher Andy Grieve introduced cricket at the Comenius School summer camp. The game proved popular, and soon training sessions were held three times a week. It was thanks to the enthusiasm of the Comenius cricketers and the support of the school management that Andy Grieve decided in October 2006 to set up the Association's website to find opponents for his team. As a result, the first Hungarian championship began in 2007 with the formation of a few more teams. The Kangaroos, led by our captain Gábor Török, who later became the president of the association, joined the league a year later in the 2008 season, which was held that year at the football field in Dunabogdány. The primary objective of Dunamentiek was to be able to compete with Hungarian players during the season. Thus, in the first two years of the team, there were only Hungarian players who showed interest in sports, some players with cricket and baseball experience formed the backbone of the team. The other few teams were made up of foreigners living in Hungary (India, Pakistan, England, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Netherlands, Afghanistan). Thanks to the recruitment at colleges and universities, in 2009, the Danubian Kangaroos formed their second team of only Hungarian players called Tasmán Ördögök, which existed for one year and played in the second division. From 2009 to 2014, our team was also helped by one of the commercial TV channels whose broadcast the T20 World Championship live with Hungarian commentary, and the commentary included several Kangaroos. As a result, several Hungarian athletes showed interest in cricket and joined our team. After 2010, one or two expat cricketers joined to the team per season. Since then, the Hungarian championship has been organized every year, later due to the increase in the number of teams, this was confirmed with a second or third division where the Kangaroos mostly took part in the seocond division. In the championships, the game formats were variable (20, 25, 30, 40 overs). The Hungarian Cup was held every year from 2010-2018, where the Kenguruk's' best result was a silver medal. Initially the matches were held on the unofficial cricket ground in the XVI. district RAFC pitch and in the XIX. district pitch, in Gödöllő, in Dunabogdány until the GB Oval was established in 2011. Since then, the only cricket field in Hungary is the GB oval in Sződliget. In 2020 the Kangaroos got stronger with young people from the Bat and Ball academy led by Duncan Shoebridge, who started to represent more and more serious quality with the team. As a result, the Kangaroos won the third division championship in 2022 and achieved surprising results in the second division in 2023 and 2024. As a result of the successes, more and more Kangaroos received invitations for the natiaon team. In 2024, our team participated for the first time in their history of the European Cricket Series 2024 Hungary, a two-week tournament at the GB Oval organized by ECN. Only the Kangaroos from the second division participated in the 10-team tournament, and we finished in excellent 7th place among much stronger and more experienced teams. Currently, the Danubian Kangaroos is the only cricket team among the 13 clubs in Hungary where mostly native Hungarian players or people of Hungarian origin play with a few foreigners, the other teams are made up of foreign players living here. In this way, the Kangaroos represent the future of Hungarian cricket in our country, where our development is unstoppable, our team unity is unbreakable, and our motivation is boundless.

This year, the Dunamenti Kenguruk are also welcome for applications from those who want to try the world's second most popular sport. You can join us regardless of age group, body type, or sports background. We provide the equipment, you only need to bring standard sports clothes (T-shirt, trainers, sports shoes, etc.). Time of training: Every Friday from 6 p.m. on Hungary's only cricket field in Sződliget (2133, Sződliget, Új utca 15. GB Oval). We also hold random training sessions at Városliget and other places in Budapest at pre-arranged times.
Additional training is available at Duncan Shoebridge Bat and Ball Cricket Academy in District II. Duncan has been involved in the development of young people for many years, and as a result, he created Hungary's only cricket academy, Bat And Ball. The Academy and the Danube Kangaroos have been cooperating for many years, as a result of which young people who train at the Bat and Ball Academy are integrated into the Danubian Kangaroos team after a certain age.

The Dunamenti Kenguruk is a completely amateur, self-financed club. Like most developing sports in Hungary, our team also needs external resources for operation, maintenance, development, promotion, and distribution. If you feel an opportunity to support our team representing the second most popular sport in the world, contact us. We can use any financing to make kangaroo jerseys, expand cricket equipment, sports accessories, travel expenses and pitch rental. Thank you!

In our country, cricket is one of the developing sports, so participation in the Hungarian national team is different and more flexible compared to other sports. The number of adult domestic players in Hungary is small (almost exclusively Kangaroo players), the Hungarian national cricket team consists primarily of foreigners who have been living and playing here for years, and of Hungarian origin and some native Hungarian players. Cricket is a very inclusive sport, so the International Cricket Council (ICC) gives players who are native to the country, as well as those who live and work there permanently but do not have citizenship, so that is make opportunity to play for their new country's national team. With a few exceptions, the current squad consists of cricketers from the Hungarian league. The two professional players of the national team are the Hungarian-born South African brothers Leus Du Plooy and Ximus Du Plooy, who are players of the English first division Middlesex County CC. With the first start of the Hungarian Cricket League in 2007, the first national team matches took place against the two national teams of Slovenia. The matches were held on September 8-9, 2007 in Valburga, Slovenia, where both national teams won 1-1 in the two matches. In the first match, Slovenia beat our national team with a score of 275/6 - 62/10, and in the second match, our national team beat the Slovenia B team with a final score of 195/8 - 36/10, thus achieving the team's first victory. In 2008, Hungary's Native national team was established (made up exclusively of Hungarian players of domestic Hungarian origin, not naturalized Hungarian players) with the aim of allowing domestic players to play for the national team as well. On June 14, the Native national team played its first match against Slovakia on the field located in the village of Hájske (Köpsd), where our northern neighbor won with a final score of 111/3 – 110/10. The next tournament for the national team was the Prague International Cricket Cup held in Prague between August 30-31, 2008 for the Hungarian National Team, where they were able to play a total of two matches, both ended in defeat, against Bulgaria 94/5 - 93/10, against the Czech Republic 163/ 8 – with a score of 106/10. From August 19-26, 2009, he was invited to the Carmel invitational Euro T20 tournament in Flintshire (Wales). The opponents of our team were Carmel (Welsh team), Flanders (French team) and New Victoria (English team). Against Flanders 151/7 – 122/10, New Victoria 98/7 – 97/8 and Carmel 90/4 – 86/9 in the group stage, they then played against Croatia in the lower playoff where 107/ 4 – Our opponents won the match with a ratio of 81/10, so we ended the tournament without a win. Then, within the oraganization of a friendly match, they managed to beat the Bulgarian national team with a score of 112/8 - 111/6. Between July 10-17, 2010, the Euro T20 2010 competition was held in Skopje, where our national team participated. The hosts North Macedonia, Croatia and Romania played in our group. According to the chronological order of the matches, on July 11, it was against Croatia, where Hungary won with a ratio of 101/5 to 100/10. On July 12, we played against Romania, where Romania won with a score of 139/10 – 117/7. Our last group match was played against the host team of North Macedonia on July 13th, where they won by a large score of 177/3 - 64/10, thus advancing to the semi-finals of the competition as the group leader, where they played against the Bulgarian team. Our national team won the match in the ratio of 95/10 - 77/10, where they fought against the Russian national team in the final. Our national team won the final with a final score of 166/7 – 165/6, thus Hungary won its first ever T20 tournament. In 2011, the first and so far the only official cricket pitch in our country was built, the GB Oval in Sződliget, which this year will be held from August 20-27. held the Euro T20 2011 tournament between Our undefeated national team won the competition against the national teams of Bulgaria, Lithuania, Macedonia and Croatia. Our other national team started the tournament under the name "Hungary A", where they managed to beat Slovakia and Macedonia. In 2012, they took part in the Euro T20 Cup in Sofia, where the Hungarian national team took 3rd place. In 2013, Hungary took part in the Tri-Nations Cup held in Romania, including in Moara Vlasiei, where they played against Bulgaria and Romania, eventually finishing second in the cup. This year, the Malta Invitational Tournament was held between October 19-20, where the Hungarian national team also participated. On the first day, he played against Russia and won the match. On the second day, they won the first match against the Czech national team, so in the final they played against the host team Malta, but they lost in the final and finished in second place. The Continental Cricket Cup 2014 tournament was held between July 3-6, 2014, where the hosts Romania, Russia, Serbia and Bulgaria participated in addition to the Hungarian national team. Our national team that reached the finals lost against Romania, so they could leave Moara Vlasiei with a silver medal. In 2015, they also participated in this tournament between July 3-5, their opponents were Luxembourg, Romania and Russia, where they also finished 2nd. Between August 3-5, 2018, the Pan European T20 Tournament was held at the GB Oval, where Malta, Poland and Hungary took part in the tournament. From June 21-23, 2019, they participated in the Central Europe Cup tournament in Prague, where they played against Switzerland, Latvia and the Czech Republic, reaching the final, where the host Czechs won the tournament. In the 2021 Continental Cup, the first official T20 over match against the Czech Republic took place at the Moara Vlăsiei cricket ground in Romania by the International Cricket Council (ICC), which the national team joined in 2012. This performance was previously impossible due to the covid virus. The result obtained in the official T20 tournaments is included in the world rankings among the national teams. Our national team, based on excellent cooperation, has also started participating in tournaments organized by the European Cricket Network (T10) since 2021. The ECI 2023 Hungary, 2023 T10 European Championship took part in the 2023 season. In 2024, the team started the season with the ECI 2024 France tournament, then won the T20 Continental Cup in Romania in May. This was followed by the ECI 2024 Hungary and the 2026 WC qualifier in Rome in June 2024. The most recent important tournament was the 2024 T10 European Championship in Malaga, where already Tom Jones headcoach lead the team and Hungary qualified without a qualifier and finished its group in excellent second place. By the end of 2024, Hungary finished in 74th place in the T20 world rankings. With this ranking, Hungary is still not eligible for One Day International (ODI - One-day international match - 50 over) or test match (international match with a 5-day time limit).. Picture made

The Hungarian national cricket team was founded in 2008 with the aim of being able to compete exclusively with players of Hungarian origin (not naturalized) against the native national teams of other countries in matches and tournaments alongside Hungary's number one national team. On June 14, 2008, he played his first match against the native team of Slovakia on the cricket field in Hájske (Köps) and suffered a 111/3-110/10 defeat. After a long break, in 2013 we played against the native team of Serbia at the GB oval in Sződliget, and in 2016 there was also a match at the GB against the English Royal Holloway University team. In 2017 and 2018, the native team took part in a tour of Poland, where they played against the native national teams of Poland and Estonia in Warsaw. After that, the next native movement was in 2019, when they started organizing an international native national team tournament at the GB Oval in Szőgliget with the participation of several countries, but it was canceled for unknown reasons. After a long hiatus, the next construction by the Hungarian Cricket Association towards the native national team was end of 2024, when the association planned for the native national team to participate in tournaments in the 2025 season alongside the number one national team.

Hungary's only cricket ground was opened in 2011 by Mike Glover and Mark Bownas in Sződliget. Since then, the cricket park bears the initials of the two English gentlemen, GB Oval. Before, there were two neglected football pitches next to each other in its place, and after the renovation of the area, they started to use the place for playing cricket. Continuous play began in 2011, and from 2016 all cricket matches in the Hungarian championships are held here. Before that, cricket matches were organized on football fields in the league (Gödöllő, Dunabogdány, XVI, XIX distrcits). In June 2013, the entire cricket ground and infrastructure buildings were flooded. They were under the Danube flood for eleven days, where the flood size was 3.5 meters. At that time, 80% of the grass was lost. Matches continued on the damaged but playable surface from July 12, 2013. Reseeding began at the end of October and was completed in March/April 2014. In 2023 the first international T20 (120ball) tournament against Croatia was held at GB Oval. In September 2024, the Danube river flooded the GB Oval again, so the first-class championship play-off was held last week in Oktober. After the flood receded, it was checked that no serious damage had occurred, and after disinfection, the pitch and nets were suitable for cricket again.